Earlier introduction of solid food is associated with improved sleep in infantsRebecca Amy Dalrymple26 March 2019
Increased screen time is associated with poorer developmental outcomes in early childhoodIsobel Fullwood10 July 2019
Sustained inflation breaths at birth were not beneficial for extremely preterm infantsAbdul Razak, Ibrahim A Hamama24 June 2019
Extended initial course of prednisolone did not improve clinical outcomes in steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndromeDavid Wands, Ben C Reynolds16 October 2019
Inhaling isopropyl alcohol from alcohol wipes was amore effective antiemetic than oral ondansetron in nauseated adultsRebecca Amy Dalrymple15 March 2019
In newborns with respiratory distress, high flow is inferior to CPAPStacy Wightman, Joyce O'Shea2 December 2019
Prophylactic platelet transfusion at higher thresholds was associated with increased risk of death or major bleeding in neonatesAbdul Razak, Ishrat Rahman23 February 2019
Drug-free inactive disease in juvenile idiopathic arthritis can be achieved for 40% of patientsLaura Chapman, Amanda J Friend31 July 2019
There is no role for routine annual echocardiography in patients with repaired dextro-transposition of the great arteries without other cardiac anomaliesThomas Rance, Amanda Jane Friend8 December 2018
Quadrupling or quintupling inhaled corticosteroid doses to prevent asthma exacerbations: the jury’s still outAmanda Jane Friend24 July 2018