Table 2

Helpful phrases drawing on the SPIKES framework6 to counsel parents

SETTING UP the interviewConsider the location and ensure all appropriate participants are present and briefed beforehand.
Assessing the patient's PERCEPTION‘Tell me about your pregnancy. What have you been told?’
Obtaining the patient's INVITATION‘Would you like to talk about what might happen during labour and after your baby is born?’
Giving KNOWLEDGE and information to the patientBreak information into small chunks and focus on key messages. Occasionally check if the patient understands. ‘Is this clear so far?’
Addressing EMOTIONS with empathic responses (these can be family or MDT emotions)‘I wish that these results were different…’ ‘I can't imagine how difficult this news must have been to hear’ ‘What is most important to you?’ ‘What worries you the most?’
Strategy and summary‘What would you like to ask?’ Follow up with a letter