Table 1

Classification of food hypersensitivity reactions

IgE-mediated, immediate onset, reactions
 GastrointestinalGastrointestinal anaphylaxis: symptoms include, vomiting, pain and/or diarrhoea
 CutaneousUrticaria, angioedema, pruritus, morbilliform rashes and flushing
 RespiratoryAcute rhinoconjunctivitis, wheezing, coughing and stridor
Mixed IgE and cell-mediated, immediate to delayed onset, reactions
 Gastrointestinal (GI)Eosinophilic oesophagitis
 CutaneousAtopic eczema
Cell mediated
 GastrointestinalFood protein-induced enterocolitis, food protein-induced proctocolitis and food protein-induced enteropathy syndrome—which may present with a clinical picture of “sepsis”
 RespiratoryFood-induced pulmonary haemosiderosis (Heiner syndrome) (rare) —pulmonary haemosiderosis or bleeding in the lower respiratory tract
Mechanism uncertain
 GI dysmotilityGastro-oesophageal reflux*
Infantile colic*
  • * These associations remain controversial.