Table 1

 2004 International Headache Society (IHS) classification of migraine3

• Migraine without aura
• Migraine with aura
‐ typical aura with migraine headache
‐ typical aura with non-migraine headache
‐ typical aura without headache
‐ familial hemiplegic migraine
‐ sporadic hemiplegic migraine
‐ basilar type migraine
• Childhood periodic syndromes (commonly migraine precursors)
‐ cyclical vomiting
‐ abdominal migraine
‐ benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood
• Retinal migraine
• Complications of migraine
‐ chronic migraine
‐ status migraine
‐ persistent aura without infarction
‐ migrainous infarction
• Probable migraine