Early-onset headache does not predict poor long term headache disability

Manish Prasad, Consultant Paediatrician,
March 23, 2016

I read with interest the "Fifteen minute consultation: headache in children under 5 years of age" recently published online. It would also be worth remembering and will be reassuring to all of us to know that although some characteristics of early-onset headache can be different from that of late-onset headaches for e.g. shorter duration, the overall impact of the headache on the school performance and learning and clinical severity do not significantly differ from the later.

In other words, early-onset of headaches does not necessarily imply poorer long term headache disability or harmful aetiology. (1)

Reference: 1. Ravid S, Gordon S, Schiff Aet. al. Headache in Children: Young Age at Onset Does Not Imply a Harmful Etiology or Predict a Harsh Headache Disability. Journal of Child Neurology2013: 28(7) 857-862

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