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Patient involvement in quality improvement: is it time we let children, young people and families take the lead?


It is vital to involve children, young people and families in the design, delivery and improvement of their care. Their involvement can range from individuals giving feedback, such as patient stories, to collaborative work including patient groups and communities helping to develop and commission services. The methods for involving individuals and families include questionnaires and innovative ideas such as feedback Apps. Other methods include the 15 Steps Challenge which helps an organisation to view the care it delivers through a patients eyes and includes a ‘walk around’ involving a patient, carer, staff member and board member. The Experience Based Design approach is another method of reviewing a service and involves assessing how staff and patients feel when delivering and receiving care. Involving patient groups can be facilitated by working with schools and children's centres. The type of involvement will vary, but if carefully designed can allow meaningful participation and improvement of services.

  • Quality Improvement
  • Patient Involvement
  • Patient Experience
  • Feedback

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