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The INSIGHT responsive parenting intervention reduced infant weight gain and overweight status
  1. Zoe Marshall1,
  2. Caroline Delahunty2
  1. 1 Department of Paediatrics, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow, UK
  2. 2 Department of Neonatology, NHS Lanarkshire, Wishaw, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Zoe Marshall, 2/2 47 St Vincent Crescent, Glasgow, G3 8NG, ST4 Paediatric Registrar, NHS Lanarkshire; ztmarshall{at}

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The Intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories (INSIGHT) study randomised primiparous mothers and their newborns. Randomisation was completed by telephone at 10–14 days postpartum, using permuted blocks and stratified on birth weight for gestational age. The intervention group received responsive parenting (RP) training; focusing on sleeping, soothing and feeding. The control group received dose-matched information about home safety.


Setting: One maternity ward in Pennsylvania with follow up visits at home by the health visitor.

Patients: Full term singleton newborns and their mothers who were English-speaking, primiparous women over 20 years old. 145 randomised to the intervention group and 146 randomised to the control group.

Intervention: The INSIGHT RP intervention addressed 34 infant behaviours; drowsy, sleeping, fussy and alert. Home visits were conducted at 3 to 4 weeks, 16 weeks, 28 weeks and 40 weeks. At each visit intervention related to the 4 behaviours. …

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