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Study question
In children with enuresis, does gradual reduction of desmopressin compared with abrupt cessation result in less relapses?
Study inclusion criteria: RCTs with a control group comparing gradual with abrupt cessation of desmopressin.
Data source: Two independent reviewers searched Medline, Embase, ScienceDirect, Ovid, Google Scholar and Wiley Online Library for ‘desmopressin’ and ‘enuresis’. They searched for unpublished trials by contacting the authors. Risk of bias was assessed using recommendations from the Cochrane Collaboration. Four articles remained for meta-analysis and a further 18 were used in a systematic review.
Outcome: Rate of sustained response (ie, no incidences of wetting) …
Contributors RAD wrote the abstract and commentary, and IDW edited both sections.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.