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Recurrent acute life-threatening events in a child with achondroplasia
  1. Mohamed O E Babiker1,
  2. Christopher Edwards2,
  3. Philip Davies2,
  4. Roddy O'Kane1,3
  1. 1Fraser of Allander Neurosciences Unit, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, UK
  2. 2Respiratory Department, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, UK
  3. 3Neurosurgery Department, Institute of Neurosciences, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Mohamed O E Babiker, Fraser of Allander Neurosciences Unit, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Dalnair Street, Yorkhill, Glasgow G3 8SJ, UK; mohamedbabiker{at}

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A 2-month-old boy with achondroplasia was brought to the emergency department following an apnoeic episode while in a car seat. He required minimal resuscitation but was noted to have significant hypercarbia on the blood gas. There was no history suggestive of an intercurrent respiratory …

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