TableĀ 4

Investigations completed by day 20

Reviews and investigationsOutcome and results of investigations
EchocardiogramSmall patent foramen ovale, moderate ventricular septal defect
Chest X-rayNormal lung fields, absent thymus
Plastic team reviewNo cleft palate
Mild Pierre Robin sequence
Cranial ultrasoundGrade 1 intraventricular haemorrhage
ElectroencephalogramNo epileptiform activity
ENT review and nasopharyngeal endoscopyLarge arytaenoids and bulky tongue
Baseline blood investigationsNo evidence of sepsis: on empirical intravenous antibiotics
hypocalcaemia: on treatment
GeneticsMicroarray results awaited
OphthalmologyNo abnormalities detected
Metabolic screenNormal
Suspected gastro-oesophageal refluxMaximum antireflux treatment
  • ENT, ear nose and throat.