TableĀ 1

Key hormonal regulators of serum calcium and their actions

PTHIncreases bone reabsorption by osteoclasts*
Increases renal absorption of filtered calcium
Stimulates conversion of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)D (activated vitamin D, also called calcitriol)
1,25(OH)DIncreases bone reabsorption by osteoclasts
Increases renal tubular reabsorption of filtered calcium
Increases intestinal absorption of calcium via active transport
Calcitonin (thought to be of little physiological significance beyond the neonatal period)Inihibits bone reabsorption by osteoclasts
Reduces renal absorption of filtered calcium
Decreases intestinal absorption of calcium
  • The boldface emphasises the categorisation of hypercalcaemia as being related to bone, kidney, or gut.

  • *The mechanisms of PTH on bone metabolism are complex; here we provide a simplified overview.

  • PTH, parathyroid hormone.