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Partially hydrolysed whey and soy-based infant formulas did notprevent allergic disease in high-risk children

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Study design


Randomised controlled trial.


Computer generated allocation by independent statistician.


Staff members were blind to the group of allocation at the time of outcome assessment. Parents were blinded to assigned formula until the child's second birthday.

Study question


Maternity hospital in Australia.


Six hundred and twenty infants with a history of allergy in a first degree relative (eczema, asthma, rhinitis, food allergy).


Infants were randomised to three groups to receive at weaning: a partially hydrolysed whey formula (pHWF), conventional cow's milk formula (CMF) or a soy-based formula.


Primary outcome was any allergic manifestation (eczema or food reaction) assessed during telephone interviews. Secondary outcomes were individual incidence of allergies, and skin prick tests (SPTs) reactivity.

Follow-up period

Outcomes were assessed at to 2 years of life. Additionally, the 2-year period prevalence …

Correspondence to Paul L P Brand, Princess Amalia Children's Clinic, Isala klinieken Zwolle, the Netherlands p.l.p.brand{at}

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  • Sources of funding Nestec, a subsidiary of Nestle Australia, provided the study formula and staff funding for the first 6 years of the study.


  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.